How do you develop an unstoppable mindset? Kevin speaks with Alden Mills, who shares the importance of struggle and resilience in achieving success. He discusses the 3 mindset obstacles, which include starting, failing, and tiring. Kevin and Alden discuss his concept of the "focus funnel," which channels thoughts into impactful action, and the exercise of “outcome accounts” to own outcomes and learn from mistakes.
Listen For
00:00 Introduction
01:55 Introducing Alden Mills
03:25 Invention and Writing Journey
05:30 From Fitness Products to Mindset
07:17 The Metaphor of Leadership Levels
09:56 Struggle and Mindset
13:22 Transferring Mindset to Others
14:44 Setting Personal and Professional Goals
17:43 The Challenge of Focus
19:08 Focus Funnel and Filtering Thoughts
22:15 Owning Your Outcome
25:38 The Importance of Outcome Accounts
27:12 Three Controllables and Mindsetting
30:03 Reading Recommendations
31:05 Connecting with Alden Mills
00:00:08:07 - 00:00:40:06
Kevin Eikenberry
Before we get to skill set comes mindset and we all have mindsets. The question is do the ones you have serve you or not? Today we're going to talk about having an unstoppable mindset. And my guest is someone who's highly qualified to talk about that topic. And I'm excited to share the conversation and introduce him to you. Welcome to another episode of the Remarkable Leadership Podcast, where we're helping leaders grow personally and professionally to lead more effectively.
00:00:40:06 - 00:01:01:05
Kevin Eikenberry
Yes, and to make a bigger positive difference for their teams, organizations and the world. If you are listening to this podcast, you could join us in the future live! and I'll do that on your favorite social media channel to learn when we're doing those, how that's happening and how you can get connected to those. You can join either our Facebook or LinkedIn groups.
00:01:01:06 - 00:01:31:22
Kevin Eikenberry
Those aren't the only places places we do those. But if you go to those two places, you can find out when they're happening and how you can get connected. you can do that by going to remarkable or remarkable in. Today's episode is brought to you by my new book. Doesn't come out until next March. but you could be among the first to have a copy by going to remarkable
00:01:32:00 - 00:01:55:07
Kevin Eikenberry
Why is that the link? Well, because the book is called Flexible Leadership. I'm super excited to share it with the world. And you can be among the first to have a copy by going to remarkable and pre-ordering your copy today. our guest today I'm going to bring him in now. And then we're going to introduce him and we're going to get started.
00:01:55:09 - 00:02:17:14
Kevin Eikenberry
I see have been some comments I'll put those up in a second. my guest today is Alton Mills is a three time Navy Seal platoon commander. And an Inc 500 CEO, founder and CEO. he is also the author of three books, the latest of which is Unstoppable Mindset How to Use What You Have to Get What You Want.
00:02:17:14 - 00:02:22:21
Kevin Eikenberry
He is our guest. I'm excited to have him. Alton, thanks for being here.
00:02:22:22 - 00:02:27:03
Alden Mills
It is such a treat to be here. Kevin. Thank you.
00:02:27:05 - 00:02:48:09
Kevin Eikenberry
And so we've got people from Boston, and we got people from Colorado, and we've got other people saying hello. Hi, Damon. How are you, sir? we other people saying hello. And so we're glad all of you are here. You know what that means, Alton? Those people were listening, when I said said that. So, I want us to dive in.
00:02:48:11 - 00:03:08:09
Kevin Eikenberry
And I often ask people a question about their journey. And there's a little bit about, your journey in that short introduction, but I want to ask you a specific question, because you talk earlier in the book about one of your goals was to write a bestselling book. And and obviously, you've been an entrepreneur, you've been a, you've been a Navy Seal.
00:03:08:09 - 00:03:25:16
Kevin Eikenberry
Thank you for your service. And yet, at some point, you decided that writing books and a specifically having a bestseller or bestsellers was your goal. I'm curious, with that background, what's the journey that leads you to say, hey, I want to write books?
00:03:25:18 - 00:03:50:14
Alden Mills
The journey started with the idea that I wanted to invent a product and bring it to market. I really wanted that journey. I started sketching out products when I was still a Seal platoon commander on submarines, because we were spending a lot of time on submarines. And through that journey, I did have that opportunity, brought a lot of different products to market.
00:03:50:16 - 00:04:16:05
Alden Mills
security products, fitness products, and most known for things like the perfect pushup and the perfect ab carver. But then along the way, I started to realize it really wasn't so much. And I was very into fitness that it was one thing to help people with biceps and triceps, but it's an entirely different thing to help them with this muscle.
00:04:16:05 - 00:04:41:09
Alden Mills
In between their ears. And once I made that switch, the creativity that went into writing a book and in the persistence required, because I have to be honest, I do not feel like I'm a writer. I'm much more of a storyteller. I need those editors out there. But I wanted to have a legacy, to leave something for my voice.
00:04:41:09 - 00:05:04:07
Alden Mills
And that was the impetus and the trigger event of that was one of my good friends. Was the first Navy Seal to die in Afghanistan. And when he did, I knew there was a letter going to an 18 month old son. And that letter is called a just in case letter. You have to write one when you go off on every set of missions.
00:05:04:09 - 00:05:26:01
Alden Mills
I had written three of them, but they were to my mom, my dad and my brother. And when that happened, my wife was pregnant with our first child and I thought, all right, I'll write a letter to my unborn son. And that letter led to the next letter, led to the next letter led to the fourth letter. And four boys now.
00:05:26:03 - 00:05:30:15
Alden Mills
And that became the first book.
00:05:30:17 - 00:05:51:16
Kevin Eikenberry
It did. And then after that, you wrote Unstoppable teams before, before this book. Unstoppable mindset. I'm curious just I mean, that gives us the genesis of the first. But I'm curious about the the progression. So you went from talking about teams now to talking about mindset. And I'm just curious, tell us a little bit more about that progression.
00:05:51:21 - 00:06:18:03
Alden Mills
In much the same way that you look at remarkable leadership, I think of leadership in these three levels of leadership. And the best analogy I give it is if I was dropping a pebble in a reflection pond and that pebble is your action that agitates the water and it's the three ripples, right? Let's think of it as three concentric circles that build on each other.
00:06:18:08 - 00:06:52:07
Alden Mills
The first ripple is you in how you lead yourself. The second one then builds to team leadership. A team is nothing more than a reflection of its leader. And then the final ripple is really the organization, the team of teams, the culture that's involved in scaling something that leaves your legacy. And that is the largest ripple, right? So they build on each other, leading yourself, leading teams, leading organizations.
00:06:52:09 - 00:07:17:18
Kevin Eikenberry
I'm smiling because, I've recently well, in the new book Flexible Leadership, I use that metaphor. I talked about that metaphor, but I also, use that in a recent webinar that I created, and I really love that metaphor. That's why I was smiling. and so, so there's that. I want to, I want to ask you a question specifically from the book, and, and I told you at the front that I was going to do everything I could to make this useful and helpful for you.
00:07:17:20 - 00:07:21:20
Kevin Eikenberry
so I'm not going to ask you to tell me what's on page nine. I'm going to read it to you because I want to.
00:07:21:20 - 00:07:23:22
Alden Mills
Read or not doing that.
00:07:24:00 - 00:07:48:04
Kevin Eikenberry
Well, here's what I know. I've read this book way more recently than you have. So and I want to read you a line from page nine. and then I it's actually it's in the, in, in the introduction and, and then I just like you to comment and say whatever you want to say about it, because if there's one thing that I remember from this book in our conversation, this will be one of them.
00:07:48:04 - 00:08:05:12
Kevin Eikenberry
Here it is. safe is not what we are meant to be. We are built for struggle. Struggle makes us stronger. It helps us move forward. I think of struggle like friction. Without friction, we cannot advance. Talk about that for a second.
00:08:05:14 - 00:08:39:12
Alden Mills
You know my life, if you were to look at every one of the successes I've had, there's probably been at least 5 to 10 failures to find each one at a minimum. I mean, here's a kid born in central Massachusetts told it he had small lungs, asthmatic, wasn't good at ball sports, was, you know, persistence in the idea of the struggle gave me the ability, gave me the gift of whatever it was I was trying to accomplish.
00:08:39:17 - 00:09:05:07
Alden Mills
But that gift didn't come unlocked it. It's almost as if and this is what I firmly believe. We all have unique talents, unique gifts, but they are like a raw mineral. They're like a raw diamond, like they're rough in there. They're not polished and they're not shiny and and reflective. They're just, they're like this hunk of, of raw talent.
00:09:05:07 - 00:09:32:22
Alden Mills
And it needs the friction of a polishing, pushing you beyond what you originally thought was possible to yourself and to those around you. Like, I can do this. That's and that gives us that advancement that progression. But we have to get that. Just like working out in the gym, you're not going to get muscles if you don't have resistance.
00:09:32:23 - 00:09:56:14
Kevin Eikenberry
Yeah. So so let's tie that. I mean I'm confident people can make this connection, but I want to hear your connection to from that idea to the idea of mindset. I mean, what you just described was, is a mindset. But take take us into that a little bit further. This idea of struggle as valuable and how that how you would connect that to mindset.
00:09:56:16 - 00:10:37:06
Alden Mills
Right? Okay. So here we are. And we're thinking about doing something we have never done before. Right? I wrote this book. If you go to the very beginning of that introduction, I wrote this book for everybody who's considering doing something they've never done before. That's who this book is intended for because it's scary out there. You're going into the unknown, and one of the metaphors I use in in chapter one is that we're all like captains of our own boat, and there's this moment where we decide we have to leave the safe harbor of what I consider the comfort zone.
00:10:37:06 - 00:11:06:08
Alden Mills
Right? We get comfortable in some place, and we're looking out past the past the harbor, and we see this edge of the horizon. It's as far as we can see. And when we get to that edge and you get there and you lose sight of land, you're now in the unknown. There is this distinction between going from known to unknown, and that's the point where we step in to our leadership to be our remarkable leader.
00:11:06:09 - 00:11:52:05
Alden Mills
In your words, to get through the unknown. And when you get into that unknown, we have to understand things aren't going to go well. We are going to struggle. We're going to get pushed back by the wind in the waves. We might even get shipwrecked a few times or run in sandbars. Stay a little ship metaphor, but it's out there that we must remind ourselves that the struggle is a good thing, and that as long as we keep getting up and learning from what we're doing and use the tools that I offer in the book, we will progress beyond these three main mindsets obstacles that a lot of people get tripped up on.
00:11:52:07 - 00:11:54:09
Alden Mills
And those obstacles are yeah, I was.
00:11:54:09 - 00:11:57:01
Kevin Eikenberry
Just going to say, why don't you go ahead and tell people now.
00:11:57:03 - 00:12:28:09
Alden Mills
Starting failing and tiring, right. Those are the three main chunks of when we're out doing something new to us, because when we're doing something new to us and trying to achieve something we've never done before, we have to be doing some new things. Yeah. And that's that's uncomfortable. And we've got to get comfortable understanding that it's okay that we're going to have setbacks and actually the setbacks to moments.
00:12:28:11 - 00:12:48:01
Alden Mills
And if I can get people to start thinking of the obstacles, the opportunity is the possibilities and the problem, the advantages of your adversity, then we are flipping into what I call the realm of being an unstoppable mindset.
00:12:48:03 - 00:13:22:13
Kevin Eikenberry
So you've hinted at it already. And, and obviously this is the Remarkable Leadership podcast. so there's there's no way we can foster this, these mindsets in others if we don't have them. Like very difficult for that to happen. certainly with any sustainability. Right. So my question then is how do we beyond beyond having our mindset being unstoppable?
00:13:22:15 - 00:13:30:00
Kevin Eikenberry
what advice do you have about helping to transfer that to others in our role as a leader?
00:13:30:02 - 00:13:57:01
Alden Mills
Well, the number one thing that I always start with, whether. Whether I'm leading a current team, I'm taking over a new team or I'm coaching an executive or, senior leadership team, the first thing I always do is say, okay, let's fill out some go. Just give me two, two personal, two professional, start with ten years and then give me three and then give me one.
00:13:57:01 - 00:14:23:02
Alden Mills
I always want to start with the longest one first. If you don't like ten years, pick five. But. Or pick 20. But I want that ten. The reason I say ten is I want something way past the horizon. I want to understand the person I'm working with. Where's your imagination right now? And you'll be surprised. For some folks, that ten year goal is actually not that far out.
00:14:23:04 - 00:14:44:10
Alden Mills
It may be more like a three year goal. They have a preconceived limit of what is possible for them. That's okay. There's no judgment on that, but I want them to put it out there. I want them to understand and I want to I want to hear to them what's over the metaphorical horizon for them. Okay.
00:14:44:12 - 00:15:03:20
Kevin Eikenberry
I really want before you go on, I just want to comment on that idea of no judgment, because if they're if we as a leader are asking our team to do the will to do to to write and share these goals, we they're theirs. Right. And the worst thing, one of the worst things we could do is and you say, oh man, that isn't ten years.
00:15:03:20 - 00:15:17:06
Kevin Eikenberry
That's going to just take you a year and a half. What do you think? Like, even if that means that you see them in a very positive vein, we've got to keep the judgment out of that. So please continue. But I just wanted to, you know, underline that point for everybody.
00:15:17:08 - 00:15:39:06
Alden Mills
Totally agree. Actually, what I'm saying to most when somebody comes up with a goal, it's only been done in a year and a half, might be done while we're still working together. I'm thinking to myself, yes, they are going to get in so quickly because I'm going to help them achieve that goal now on this and these sound like nuances, but they're important.
00:15:39:08 - 00:16:03:04
Alden Mills
Always start with a long term one. First. I don't want to do a goal that starts from the base and builds up if you do it that way. I have discovered over the last 25 years of goal setting that they will typically build a hypothetical that will say, well, if I can do this and I can do this, and I can do this, and you do this, and the hypothetical actually short changes you.
00:16:03:08 - 00:16:30:08
Alden Mills
You want to go to what your dream is like, just dream with reckless abandon. Tell me what you're doing without constraints. And I want to see what those constraints are because they'll come up. Number two, I always ask for the personal ones first, not the professional ones. And I do that reason first and foremost, because I want them to understand I'm concerned about the whole leadership person.
00:16:30:10 - 00:17:05:06
Alden Mills
Right. There isn't no, it seems like a nice little Chinese firewall, like, okay, well, I have work and I have personal. No, it's all of the same. And in today's world, you must be thinking about the entire person. And if I can help them personally. And odds are, if I can't know somebody that might be able to help them with one of their goals of learning Mandarin, or want to become a better at watercolor, or learn the piano, or live overseas, whatever their personal goal could be.
00:17:05:08 - 00:17:19:21
Alden Mills
And when you get invested like that, you're connecting with them emotionally. They're expecting the the professional. Oh well, I'd like the ROI to be like this and I'd like to get that number right.
00:17:19:23 - 00:17:43:12
Kevin Eikenberry
So so I want to I want to I want to dive in to the deep end, of one of the areas you talked about in the book about mindset. And I think it's an area that I guess I could probably even say societally is a challenge, maybe now more than ever. it certainly is a challenge for leaders.
00:17:43:15 - 00:17:58:15
Kevin Eikenberry
And that is focus. And you talk about five focus actions. We I don't have time to unpack them all, but why don't you pick a couple of those that you think are especially, important for us as leaders?
00:17:58:17 - 00:18:05:15
Alden Mills
Yeah. Well, let's let's do, first of all, I love acronyms, okay?
00:18:05:17 - 00:18:09:14
Kevin Eikenberry
You and I like acronyms, and we like alliteration. Like I.
00:18:09:16 - 00:18:10:04
Alden Mills
00:18:10:05 - 00:18:10:16
Kevin Eikenberry
00:18:10:18 - 00:18:35:14
Alden Mills
I think you. Because we want memory aids, right? Kevin? I mean, at the end of the day, if you can't remember what we're talking about and offering, then you're not gonna be able to practice it. And you have to be able to practice it. Gotta be able to remember it. So the, chapter on focus, the acronym is focus f o c s.
00:18:35:16 - 00:19:08:18
Alden Mills
And let's talk about the first two F and O to understand focus in my book is to understand how focus works. Focus I call it acts like a funnel. We have a focus funnel. We all have it. It focuses energy into us taking an action. Now. What powers focus? What goes in the focus funnel their thoughts right? The thoughts that are generated inside our beautiful little brains.
00:19:08:18 - 00:19:39:00
Alden Mills
And we have all kinds of thoughts. And there are positive thoughts and there are negative thoughts. There are all kinds of different thoughts, but they're they're categorized in three main areas past, present and future. Let me give you an example of what happens when we focus on the past negative thought we focus on that will get more and more, and it will get us eventually depressed.
00:19:39:01 - 00:20:09:13
Alden Mills
If we focus on the past, future, if we focus on a future negative thought and we keep doing that well, that creates a hypothetical of anxiousness. Now, the flip can occur. If we focus on something we did in the past that was positive. Well, that will give us confidence. And if we focus on something in the future that will give us hope, that's positive, right?
00:20:09:15 - 00:20:31:16
Alden Mills
But here's the most important piece. None of these thoughts are helpful or hurtful to us until we put it in the focus funnel and attach energy to the thought. Otherwise, they're just like clouds flipping by our head, floating by all day long.
00:20:31:18 - 00:20:33:07
Kevin Eikenberry
Like all the other thoughts.
00:20:33:10 - 00:20:55:18
Alden Mills
Like all the other thoughts. Good, bad or indifferent. And there's a few pictures in the book, and one of those pictures has to do with all these thoughts going by the top of your focus funnel. And this is the F of the focus funnel. And I'd like everybody to think of it like an adaptive screen. Right. That sits over there.
00:20:55:21 - 00:21:23:02
Alden Mills
You can open it and you can close it. This folks, is a leadership decision, your leadership decision. It's how you lead yourself, how you decide what thought is going to go inside that focus funnel. That's the very first major leadership decision you're doing. And and the key here is and I know we're all mess it up at first.
00:21:23:02 - 00:21:51:06
Alden Mills
I mess it up all the time. And I want everyone to understand something. We are human. That means we are imperfect. That means we're going to make mistakes. Which why? Which is why there's leadership in the first place. Because we've got to lead from each other and learn from each other. So when when we make this decision to put a thought going into the focus funnel, you are filtering thoughts, okay.
00:21:51:06 - 00:22:15:11
Alden Mills
And I want you to think of that. This is an active filtering process as you start your day, as you go throughout your day. Is this thought helpful or hurtful to what I am trying to get accomplished today and ten years now from that goal that I had said, I've committed to. That's part one. That's called filtering. Okay.
00:22:15:13 - 00:22:44:03
Alden Mills
number two is owning your outcome. It's understood these outcomes, that of an action you are taking. Now remember we tied everything back to the goals goal start. Actually in chapter one of the book, focus is about you probably know better than I do. I think it's chapter five. And, and in that, one of the most important things.
00:22:44:04 - 00:23:03:23
Alden Mills
So first of all, I was dealing with starting because filtering has a lot to do with starting your initiative. The next piece has to do when you've failed a couple of times and you're frustrated, you're like, I don't know if I can keep going or if this is going to work. This is where owning the outcome is really important.
00:23:04:00 - 00:23:33:02
Alden Mills
And I offer everybody this exercise called outcome accounts and an outcome account, is nothing more than drawing like a large team. Now, I made up this metaphor from my graduates class in accounting, which was by far my worst class ever. Accounting was very hard for me, but I remember the T account. Okay, so I want you to think of a large capital T, you've got your goal that you write on top.
00:23:33:04 - 00:23:57:05
Alden Mills
This is all explained in the book, by the way. There's a plus and a minus. Write credits and debits. I want you to think of it like that. And let's start with the plus side one. What's the desired outcome? Two. Who does it impact? Three how does it make you feel? Okay, so now you're imagining for a moment and things aren't going well.
00:23:57:08 - 00:24:28:21
Alden Mills
And you're like, well, wait a second, what if I do this again and it gets the desired outcome, then I'm looking for that's going to help me to get to the ten year goal. The three year old, the one year goal. What happens if you achieve that goal? If you achieve the goal of creating a business that you're finally independent and you can serve up your family and enable yourself to travel the world and go do amazing things with other people, how does it who does it impact and start with the people you most?
00:24:28:23 - 00:24:49:13
Alden Mills
And then how does that make you feel? And I want you to envision that. And by the way, we go a little deeper into that and we talk about outcome movies and things like that. And then you do the opposite and then say, okay, I, I fail. I gave up, I quit, I didn't accomplish this. Who does that impact and how does that make me feel?
00:24:49:15 - 00:25:08:10
Alden Mills
Okay, that's the O of focus, right? First we did self-care and then we did on your outcomes. And when you use the outcome account in the beginning, it will feel it will feel a little mechanical. You're writing it out and you're right, it was nice. But then after a while you can be like, oh, I got this. I can do it in my head.
00:25:08:10 - 00:25:24:18
Alden Mills
I mean, I was doing in my head I didn't even know I was doing in my head when I was going through Seal training, wondering, should I quit today? Is this too hard? You know? And then I did it again. We're launching the perfect push up and looking at bankruptcy for the first time, and then the second time, and then the third time.
00:25:24:20 - 00:25:38:04
Alden Mills
In each one of those times, I found energy in the future hope of what I wanted to live my life in, what I envisioned. Okay, I'm off my soapbox.
00:25:38:04 - 00:25:44:22
Kevin Eikenberry
No, that's okay, that's okay. I figured you'd get on one, and that was. And I gave you space to do that, which is perfect.
00:25:45:04 - 00:25:47:16
Alden Mills
If you're you're you're getting me going here. Kevin.
00:25:47:18 - 00:26:11:05
Kevin Eikenberry
So, there's a lot of stuff in this book, and we were talking with Alden Mills. If you're just joining us, the author of his newest book, The Unstoppable Mindset, how to use What You Have to Get What You want. and so there's 100 things we could have talked about we didn't talk about, but is there anything specifically that you hoped I would ask would have asked that I didn't?
00:26:11:07 - 00:26:36:05
Alden Mills
Well, first, I want to tell you, I thought you nailed some of the things right now. That was very impressed. We went right at it. the very I probably the one thing I would say is, hey, all, and tell us about the three controllables. Like what really makes mindset and an all in you turned mindset from a noun into a verb relatively right?
00:26:36:07 - 00:27:12:00
Alden Mills
Talk about mind setting and I really want people to think of mindset is an active form. Yeah. Of taking action daily. It's not like, oh, I got it. It's not a destination, right? We're mind setting all the time. You know, Carol Dweck ages ago brought up the idea between fixed and growth mindset. I really want to build upon that and talk about the active process of looking at an obstacle as an opportunity, dealing with those problems as possibilities.
00:27:12:00 - 00:27:45:22
Alden Mills
Right. And to do that, I really defined what it takes to have our three controllables. And it really boils down to our thoughts, our focus and our beliefs and how they work and what I call a mindset loop and when, when and where we're entering because we have to own all three of those pieces. That's first level leadership, because how you do that will be how you can help others when they're stuck.
00:27:46:00 - 00:27:54:21
Alden Mills
And by the way, they'll return the favor because they'll be times when you'll get stuck, because that is part of the process of leaving that safe harbor.
00:27:54:23 - 00:28:00:01
Kevin Eikenberry
Absolutely. the only thing you knew I was going to ask you is this next question.
00:28:00:03 - 00:28:00:20
Alden Mills
00:28:00:22 - 00:28:03:10
Kevin Eikenberry
What are you what are you reading these days?
00:28:03:12 - 00:28:27:03
Alden Mills
the current book I'm reading is called Agency, and it's by Ian Rowe, and he's a phenomenal individual who has really created a new curriculum for our kids in charter schools. And here's a surprise. He has an acronym.
00:28:27:05 - 00:29:00:04
Alden Mills
And the acronym is called free. And he's really trying to address leadership at young ages. Like we're talking about ten, 11 year old, inner city kids, no parents end up on the street and turning these kids around and starting to understand their strengths and the gifts they have. And I find I in I'm in awe of what he's doing.
00:29:00:06 - 00:29:05:21
Alden Mills
And I think that in some ways, he's teaching these kids to be unstoppable.
00:29:05:23 - 00:29:22:17
Kevin Eikenberry
I love that the book is agency. We'll have that in the show notes. you can obviously find that wherever find books are sold, but there's another book that you can find, and it's the one that we've been talking about for the last little bit. I'm going to hold it up again for those who are watching all the Intel people where they can, what do you want?
00:29:22:17 - 00:29:31:05
Kevin Eikenberry
Where do you want to send them? How do you want to be connected to them? Where do you want to point people, in relationship to the book or any of your work?
00:29:31:06 - 00:29:51:14
Alden Mills
Well, the obvious place is where you can find the book or on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but NC bookstores carry them, and if they aren't, you can walk right in there and they should be able to get it to you within 48 hours. But you'll also see lots of reviews on Amazon if you get the book. I appreciate the review.
00:29:51:16 - 00:30:01:07
Alden Mills
anybody who's ever known anything about writing books know how important it is and what it feels for an author to get an authentic review of what was helpful for you.
00:30:01:09 - 00:30:03:00
Kevin Eikenberry
And if they want to learn more about the rest.
00:30:03:00 - 00:30:26:21
Alden Mills
Of your work. I have a monthly newsletter free, along with a series of leadership posts that will come out every two weeks. And I'm always working on those three levels of leadership leading yourself, leading teams and leading organizations.
00:30:26:23 - 00:30:48:07
Kevin Eikenberry
I love that. And, before we go, I wanna thank you, obviously, for being here all. But before we finish up, I have a question that I need to ask everyone. Everyone who's watching and listening. I ask it every single episode. It's simple. Now what? Well, the question is simple, but the action is critical. Like, what action will you take?
00:30:48:08 - 00:31:15:14
Kevin Eikenberry
ultimate saying that thinking about mindset as a verb, what are we going to do? How do we continue to create, sustain, reinforce that mindset? The same goes here. What is it that you got from the last 30 minutes or so that you will do something with? Because otherwise it was just entertainment? While that might be useful, it's not nearly as useful as the action will create for you when you choose that, whatever that might be.
00:31:15:14 - 00:31:43:05
Kevin Eikenberry
Maybe you got something, about the the three obstacles or the three controllables or the conversation that we had about the filter, how we filter our thoughts. I don't know what it is that that caught you that stopped you, that perhaps if you're watching this or listening to this later, you you pause for a second, listen to your intuition, listen to your reaction, listen to your resistance from the last 30 minutes and say, what am I going to do with this?
00:31:43:05 - 00:31:54:05
Kevin Eikenberry
Because until you do that, nothing will really change. Alden, thanks so much for being here. It was such a pleasure to have you, but looking forward to do this ever since I got the book. And I'm glad we had the chance to have the conversation.
00:31:54:09 - 00:32:00:06
Alden Mills
Such an honor. Kevin, keep doing what you're doing to inspire me. And a lot of other people love it.
00:32:00:08 - 00:32:17:01
Kevin Eikenberry
So, everybody, if you even haven't a little bit of agreement with Alden on that point, you should come back next week because we'll be here next week on the podcast and actually later this week if you're with us live, for another episode of the Remarkable Leadership Podcast. Thanks, everybody.
Meet Alden

Alden's Story: Alden Mills is the author of three books, the latest of which is Unstoppable Mindset: How to Use What You Have to Get What You Want. As an Olympic Festival rower, he went on to become a standout at the US Naval Academy, then a Navy SEAL platoon commander (three times), and then an entrepreneur. He founded and grew Perfect Fitness from zero to $63m in sales, becoming the fastest-growing consumer company in America (per INC. Magazine, 2009). Alden then continued to lead the Perfect Fitness team and grow the company even further after its acquisition by the private equity firm, Implus. Alden has created over 40 patents in the consumer sector. Thanks to his time in the military, then in business, Alden has accrued over 30 years of experience working on high-performance leadership, company strategy, growth, and team building.

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