We know trust is essential for both personal and professional relationships. Dr. Peter Kim tells Kevin that risk is part of trust, and we spend more time trying to reduce risk vs. building trust. Dr. Kim shares insights from his research on the science behind how trust works. He discusses common misconceptions about trust, how competence and integrity drive trust judgments differently, the role of trust between leaders and followers, what makes an effective apology, and recommendations for building trust on virtual/hybrid teams.
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Meet Peter

Peter's Story: Dr. Peter H. Kim is the author of How Trust Works: The Science of How Relationships Are Built, Broken, and Repaired. He is a Professor of Management and Organization at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. His research has been published in numerous scholarly journals, received ten national/international awards, and has been featured by the New York Times, Washington Post, and NPR. He also serves as a Senior Editor for Organization Science and on the editorial boards for the Academy of Management Review and Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. He is also a past Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and the Journal of Trust Research, as well as past Chair of the Academy of Management’s Conflict Management Division.

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