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Do you panic, just a bit, when you realize you need to give feedback on the spot, engage in small talk at a networking event, or answer questions after a presentation? These moments are spontaneous speaking situations and Matt Abrahams says we can prepare for these. Matt joins Kevin to discuss the six-step methodology of successful spontaneous speaking, which is divided into two categories: mindsets and messaging Matt emphasized the importance of viewing these impromptu situations as conversations rather than performances and reminds us that we are providing value to the audience. He also shares examples of specific situations and provides us with a structure to respond. Effective communication is a skill that anyone can learn with practice, reflection, and feedback.
Meet Matt

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The Long-Distance Team. Remote leadership experts, Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel, help leaders navigate the new world of remote and hybrid teams to design the culture they desire for their teams and organizations in their new book!
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