Thomas Barta on The Remarkable Leadership Podcast
May 31, 2017

When it comes to leading an organization or a team, you need to be relevant. Thomas Barta, former McKinsey partner and senior marketer chats with Kevin about his recent book, The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader. Thomas and his co-author, Patrick Barwise, conducted the largest ever global study of marketing leadership to answer the

May 24, 2017

If you want to raise your leadership profile, you need to be concise and intentional about your career. In other words, what is your strategy to make sure you are at the table and voicing your opinion. In this episode, Sue Ritchie, a leadership coach from the UK, joins Kevin to look at how stretching

Dianna Booher discusses communicating like a leader on this episode of The Remarkable Leadership Podcast with Kevin Eikenberry
May 17, 2017

What are you working on? This is a question leaders and potential leaders are asked all the time. Simple enough and your answer needs to show connection. Today Kevin is joined by Dianna Booher. Dianna is the author of 47 books and Founder of Booher Consultants, a communication training firm, and then more recently founder

Lolly Daskal talking about closing your leadership gap on The Remarkable Leadership Podcast with Kevin Eikenberry
May 10, 2017

Leaders are coaches. They ask the right questions and they deliver messages with empathy. Lolly Daskal, founder of Lead from Within and the most inspiring person in the world according to the Huffington Post, shares with Kevin her thoughts on coaching and how it can be used to empower and engage people to reach their

David Burkus on The Remarkable Leadership Podcast with Kevin Eikenberry
May 3, 2017

Today David Burkus joins Kevin to discuss his latest book, Under New Management, which challenges traditional workplace policies and proves that they are dated or simply not working — and reveals what does. David is also an associate professor of management at Oral Roberts University and speaks to the new generation of employees, aka Millennials.

April 26, 2017

Organizations that grow focus on focus. This allows them to prioritize and allows them to say “no”. Join Kevin and Dr. Alison Eyring, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Organisation Solutions, as they discuss growth philosophy in both work and sport. Alison, a trained organizational psychologist, helps us understand performance, our capacity, and competence in roles.